Sunday, November 27, 2011

bridal boot camp

So after a wonderful holiday with my family, and announcing my engagement to the world, it is time to get serious.  And what better motivation is there to lose weight and look amazing than your very own wedding!!  I am not going to post my actual weight on here -- everyone knows you don't ask a lady that!! -- but I am willing to state that I am clinically obese (thanks handy dandy BMI charts!!).  So I guess I should set a couple of weight loss goals.  So my first goal is to lose ten pounds this month... totally doable, right?  I think so.  I also talked to the amazingly talented Jessica Horton today about shooting our engagement photos, possibly in February, so as of right now, that's the first REAL deadline, I suppose.  After all, the camera does add ten pounds, right?  Well, not for this girl!!
Jack and I hiking in Shenandoah National Park -- and a fairly accurate depiction of my current appearance

Saturday, November 26, 2011


please don't judge my unmanicured hands... this was the first pic minutes after :)
So, I keep saying that I want to enjoy my engagement.  I mean, after all, that's part of the engagement story :)  And it's also become a running joke between Rory and my brother-in-law, Daniel... "But I thought you were enjoying your engagement?"  Hardee har har...  But I DO want to enjoy my engagement for a little while and not stress about wedding planning.  That being said, I have also already bought a few bridal magazines... but to be honest, they have been stressing me out more than making me excited.  I read in one that the average wedding today costs $35,000!!!  Folks, this is more than my annual salary.  So please explain to me how a hard-working lower-to-average middle class couple is supposed to pay for this "average" wedding? I can confidently state that our wedding will not cost this; we simply can't afford for it to.  I can also confidently state that this is likely one of the many contributors to why our country is in the economic crisis it is in.  Do I want to have a nice wedding?  Yes.  But is it worth going further (because yes, I am in debt -- thanks student loans!!) into debt for?  Absolutely not.  If people would care less about what other people thought about them and about more what is reasonable, we would all be happier and better off.  So that being said, don't expect to take home a digital camera from my wedding... be glad if we give you a bag of Hershey bars and marshmallows :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Eight years in the making...

after hiding it all summer, our first public outing in 2004

Who would've thought that when Rory and I first met @ camp in 2003 that a year later we'd be dating... and eight years later I'd have a ring?  Apparently, everyone but us... and now away we go!!!